Monday, April 30, 2012

The Game Poem

The Game
By Kim

Roll the dice, flip the card
Take a turn, look serious
Back away, take the punishment
Cheating is more like it, but there’s always a bad outcome
Be sneaky and you win.
You play the game, you get in the game.
There’s only one goal, you want to win.

Winner? You feel so accomplished.
When you win, you smile and move-on
Or, like a hawk, you get more aggressive.
Greedy it is, aggressive you are, the more you want to win.
Why so aggressive and serious when it’s just a game?

Roll the dice again, flip it again
Take another turn, look stern as a stone
Back away or step a head
So, why take more risks and be more serious?
Can it be more glorious?
Play the appeasement game
Play the sneaky like a snake game
One mind, one goal, one set—to win.
Or, is it a sin?

Have the attitude, give the attitude
And pass it on
Play the joke like a joker
Win the game like a Queen or King
Or, simply be the rest of the numbers.
One game, one play, one result.
You play the game again like it’s a practice.
You have a goal like a game.

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