Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why I Don't Like 'Timed' Art

See that beautiful Dali's melting clock? Well.... I understand why Dali decided to make it melt.
It's been awhile but recently, I've been super busy, and I barely have time to catch up to to my social life (aka Internet life). Two weeks ago I decided to challenge myself. Due to my lack of artistic life, I decided to have an art painting challenge. In a week (for an hour a day), I had to paint a picture that suppose to reflect my favorite artists' painting techniques and styles.

I picked Janet Fish and Wayne Thiebaud. I like Janet's interpretation of painting glasses by using multi different colors with water color paint. I like Wayne's style of still life that is not too realistic but puts his own way of seeing the objects. Also, last year, I had to the chance to go to the High Museum of Atlanta and found a lot of paintings that are "folk" style or had a reflection of surrealism.

So my challenge was to paint this picture in five days for an hour each day. My medium? Acrylic...

The real question is, did I finish and met my goals??? YES!!! I did but, it's not the best and it will never be the best. At least I learned something... Never procrastinate for art and art should not be timed. But taken with the best available time and effort. Worst thing that you can do with art is rushing. Therefore, I hate 'timed' art. No art is felt with time.

Here is my ugly artwork:
Excuse my terrible phone camera

Terrible photo quality 

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